Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Window Shoppers

"That dress would look so good on Mummy, Right daddy?"
"Yes, it will honey."
Happened to be passing by while eavesdropping on this conversation between a father and daughter at a mall last weekend. As an aspiring artist, I believe one of the greatest gifts we have is to visualize. It helped in making the greatest scientific discoveries to climbing the Everest in our lives or even creating something purely unique and innovative. We all have the gift of creating something, whether it be an artist with his painting, a chef with his cooking or a musician with his melodies. Our greatest gift of visualizing helps us to break boundaries, let go of the ordinary and traverse much beyond what we would like to see. This young girl definitely visualized how her mother would look through the dress. Definitely, one of God's greatest gifts.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mummy, Here....

"Mummy, here have this..."

This drawing was conceived from a beautiful moment between a 3 year old trying to feed her mother at a restaurant. How many times would there have been moments where our mothers waited up to see if we were satisfied, comfortable with what we ate or even painstakingly labor away in the kitchen after their day jobs to put food on our plates.They never have a weekend, yet they labor in love for their loved ones to feed them so that they can watch them grow to be amazing. This one act by this
child would have turned the world around for this smiling mother.